Zen Work

pexels-photo-374897When mediating at your desk in an open office concept causes the stress the mediation is attempting to alleviate, then I suggest the eight manila folder path of work Buddhism.

  1. Right vision of the nature of reality. Unless you have managed to follow your bliss, work will continue to be ‘work’. Life was not meant to be painless. Accepting this gives you control.


  1. Right attitude. Using your emotional intelligence to understand that some co-workers may be jerks and may continue to be that way. Learn the work arounds.


  1. Right speech. Speak truth to power. Understand there are other perspectives and respect them. Just don’t turn your back to them.


  1. Right Action. Be ethical in all your dealings. Don’t be the jerk noted in 2 above.


  1. Right livelihood. This follows the principal of non-exploitation. Treat everyone as you would like to be treated. Refer to item 4 for further elaboration.


  1. Right effort. A path of wholeness. A Conscious evolution. Even if you don’t understand how your work matters, it matters to someone. Even if it’s eventually just yourself. Be the best of what you do.


  1. Right mindfulness. Train yourself to fully aware of things, oneself, feelings and reality. Become fully aware of all the great things you are doing. It all matters. Be mindful of the jerks in 2, but don’t lease any more space in your mind to them.


  1. Right focus. Literally to be on a single object. If you think you are good at multitasking, go back to 1 and just accept you aren’t.


Being clear minded on all things allows the stressors to drop off and the Zen emerges.

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